Onsite IT and web solutions

We prioritise personalised care for residential, seniors and small business clients in the Hobart and Brisbane regions. With a focus on convenience and efficiency, we offer timely assistance right where you need it. From troubleshooting technical issues to building your small business website and assisting with online marketing, we're here to ensure your technology runs smoothly. We value people not profit!

Why choose us

We offer a personalized touch that larger corporations often lack. Firstly, you're not just a number; you're a valued client who receives personalised attention and tailored solutions to suit your unique needs regardless if you're a senior or a small business client. Secondly, not only are we good at what we do, we know how to communicate too! Our customer service is what sets us apart. We value people not profit! Lastly, by supporting a local small business, you're contributing to your community's economy and fostering a closer, more personal relationship with small businesses like ours.


We offer a range of services from troubleshooting hardware and software issues, setup and maintenance of computers, dealing with security threats to building small business websites and assisting with marketing it online, we're committed to ensuring your IT needs are met.

  • PC, Laptop, phone and tablet setup and support

  • Computer upgrade and support

  • PC builds

  • Threat removal

  • PC and Laptop repair

  • LAN and Wifi networking

  • System maintenance

  • Consultancy and training

  • Small business website

  • Social media marketing

What our clients have to say

Trust and relationship is what we build with our clients. We pride ourselves with our trustworthy and personalised service. They're not just 'clients', they're extended family!

The doctor is in!

We would love to have you as part of the Dr IT family!Rest assured, you and your IT needs will be looked after by our small dependable, trustworthy and capable team. Looking forward to hearing from you.

© Dr IT Solutions 2009